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GO Scholarship

Poland Emily Schultz

GO Scholarship

The Global Opportunity (GO) Scholar Program works with first-year students from diverse backgrounds with financial need and encourages them to go abroad by reducing financial barriers and providing support through a designated coordinator and a student cohort. 

GO Scholars receive a planning scholarship to help cover the cost of a CU Boulder-approved education abroad program offered by Education Abroad. This a one-time scholarship and GO Scholars have four years to use the scholarship. GO Scholars may be eligible for additional Education Abroad funding opportunities. Additionally, GO Scholars receive individualized mentoring and support they explore all international opportunities. 

This is a collaboration between CU Leadership, Excellence, Achievement, Diversity (LEAD) Alliance and Education Abroad.
Before I was selected as a GO Scholar I had not even considered studying abroad as an option. I come from a low-income background and I am first-generation so I had no idea how the credits worked or how I would ever be able to afford it. The GO Scholar program opened my eyes to a world of possibility and allowed me to have hope in being able to make it work with the proper planning and scholarships. I would have never studied abroad without this program. — GO Scholar recipient

2024-25 Application Now Closed

Applications for the 2024-25 Global Opportunity (GO) Scholar Program were be due on December 1st, 2024. Finalists will be notified of their award in late January 2025!

GO Scholar Application


  • Must be your first year at CU Boulder
  • Must be an undergraduate student
  • Must demonstrate unmet financial need
  • Preference will be given to those without previous international experience 
  • Preference will be given to those who participate in a LEAD academic community
  • Special consideration will be given to first-generation students 
  • You must be in good academic standing in the School or College you are enrolled in (and not on academic probation or suspension). Definition of "good standing" varies by School and College). Check yours here:

Scholarship Information

GO Scholar recipients will be selected on the basis of financial need, engagement with the CU community, and the thoroughness and depth provided within their application responses.

Applicants to the GO Scholar program do not need to have already identified a study abroad program or determined when / where they are interested in going abroad. The individual mentoring and support GO Scholars receive is intended as an opportunity for Scholars to explore all international opportunities. 

Awards are contingent upon acceptance into and participation in an approved Education Abroad program. Admission to specific study abroad programs is based on program eligibility. 

Scholarship funds: GO Scholars will receive a planning scholarship to apply to any CU approved Programs. See details below:
  • Fall or Spring Education Abroad program ($6,000)
  • Additional funding available for students going abroad for the academic year
  • Summer programs longer than one month - 4 weeks or more ($6,000)
  • Summer programs shorter than one month ($3,000)
  • Global Intensive Programs  ($2,000)
This applies to all programs including CU in DC programs!

Coaching: GO Scholars will receive individualized mentoring and support from the GO Scholar Coordinator and other Education Abroad staff

Scholar meetings: GO Scholars will participate in multiple meetings (2 times a semester) through out the year which is intended to equip students with the information necessary to navigate the Education Abroad process

Scholar follow-on project: Students share their experience abroad and serve as ambassadors to the greater CU community  

Prior to participating on an Education Abroad program, GO Scholars are expected to: 

  • Attend their cohort's GO Scholar Inauguration Celebration and all scheduled meetings
  • Attend a study abroad event (study abroad fair, outreach event, etc.) or meet with an Education Abroad staff member or GO Scholar Coordinator within the first year of receiving the scholarship and again in the year leading up to their program abroad
  • Meet with their academic advisor on a yearly basis to discuss how study abroad can fit into their academic plan
Once GO Scholars select and open an application for their intended Education Abroad program, they are expected to:  After participation on an Education Abroad program, GO Scholars are expected to share their experience abroad and serve as ambassadors to the greater CU community. This includes completing the scholar follow-on project. The project must include at least two of the following:
  • Attend at least one study abroad event (study abroad fair, outreach event, program pre-departure orientation, etc.) as a program alumni
  • Attend the GO Scholar Inauguration Celebration for an incoming cohort 
  • Submit photos from your experience abroad 
  • Submit an article, video, or other media for Education Abroad's Global Buffs Gazette
  • Students are welcome to discuss other scholar follow-on projects with the GO Scholar Coordinator

Additional Funding for GO Scholars

GO Scholars who go abroad on an Education Abroad approved program with our partners may also receive additional funding. This includes:  
  • CEA CAPA: GO Scholars who go abroad on a CU-approved CEA CAPA education abroad program will receive a $2,000 scholarship for a semester or a $1,000 scholarship for a summer to apply towards the cost of their program.
  • CIEE: GO Scholars who go abroad on a CU-approved CIEE education abroad program will receive a travel grant to cover their airfare. The amount of the grant depends on the cost of the airfare for the given location, but is not to exceed $1,000 for a semester or $500 for a summer. If the cost of the airfare exceeds this amount, the student will need to pay the difference.
  • DIS: GO Scholars will receive a $5,000 scholarship for any of their semester programs abroad and $400 for session 3 or 4 of their summer programs abroad in addition to students GO scholarship. Students may also be eligible for up to an additional $2,000 for semester and up to $1,000 for summer from funds through the Buffs Abroad Scholarship application.
  • IES: GO Scholars should consider IES Abroad's High Impact Aid Commitment, which increases accessibility to study abroad for historically underrepresented students and those with high financial need. Eligible students can get up to 5,000. 
  • ISA / TEAN: GO Scholars who go abroad on a CU-approved ISA or TEAN/ ISA education abroad program will receive a $2,000 scholarship for a semester or a $1,000 scholarship for a summer to apply towards the cost of their program.
  • Semester at Sea: All GO Scholars will receive a $5,000 matching grant and will be considered for additional funding.
  • SIT Scholarship: GO Scholars who go abroad on a CU-approved SIT education abroad program will receive a scholarship between $1,000-$3,000 for a semester or a summer to apply towards the cost of their program. Also, all CU Boulder students who receive a Federal Pell grant as part of their Federal financial aid package are eligible to receive a scholarship from SIT that matches the amount of their Pell Grant for that semester. This matching scholarship from SIT may be applied to CU-approved semester-long SIT programs.
GO Scholars will also be considered for Buffs Abroad Scholarships in addition to funds listed above.

GO Scholars are encouraged to apply for external scholarships and scholarships offered by their program (see program website for information).  

All students participating on any approved CU Boulder Education Abroad program can use their federal, state and institutional financial aid and scholarships / grants they receive through CU towards the cost of their Education Abroad program.

Want more info?

Contact Ed Abroad's Access & Inclusion Coordinator, Adilene Garcia Aniles at

Poland, photo by Emily Schultz