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South Africa by Kaleigh Galko

Voting From Abroad

We encourage you to participate in your civic duty by voting from abroad! U.S. citizens abroad remain eligible to vote in local and national elections. Follow the steps outlined on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website to request an absentee ballot. This process is relatively easy; however, you will need to plan in advance of election day.

For more information, review the Absentee Voting Frequently Asked Questions page and the U.S. Department of State Absentee Voting Information

Income Taxes

You may need to file your taxes while you are abroad. This may include filing electronically and arranging to have tax forms sent to you (they are also usually available at a U.S. consulate or embassy) or having taxes paid for you by your power of attorney while you are out of the country. Be sure to know what your tax responsibilities are and how to comply before you leave.

Education Abroad Figures for Income Tax 

The amount of your education abroad program fee considered “Required Tuition and Fees” is available on the Program Costs page and is included on the 1098-T form you receive from CU Boulder. For further information related to your 1098-T form, review the Bursar's Office Tax Info webpage. The instructional cost amount is the figure you will use for tuition and required fees. The instructional cost amount can also be used for tuition tax credits like the Hope Scholarship or Lifetime Learning tax credits. The IRS considers grants and scholarships that exceed the cost of tuition, required fees (not including room and board), and books to be taxable income that must be declared.

Power of Attorney

You may want to assign someone as your Power of Attorney (POA). A POA can handle your business and personal matters while you are abroad. Limited Power of Attorney forms can be found online (search for “legal forms”). Whoever you appoint as POA should keep the original Power of Attorney form. A Power of Attorney cannot sign the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Last Updated January 2023
Photo, South Africa by Kaleigh Galko