Following proper safety and security measures is even more important when drugs and alcohol are involved. For some of you, going abroad may be the first time you are able to legally drink. Before you go, research the local laws related to alcohol and drugs in your host country. You should also research the local cultural norms to understand how the local community interacts with alcohol and drugs, if at all. Remember, you are responsible for your behavior and its consequences when you are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Maintain your limit
Excessive drinking can be dangerous to your health and leave you more vulnerable to crime or assault. Even if you are in a culture where excessive drinking is common, only participate to the level where you feel safe and comfortable. Keep in mind that alcohol content may also be stronger in many countries, or you may be offered homebrewed or unlabeled alcohol of unknown toxicity. Maintain your limits & boundaries.It is important to know your limits - but also understand that being in a new environment can lower your tolerance. Research shows that drinking the same amount in a new context will inhibit you more than normal. This is called tolerance fail. Your tolerance is disrupted by being in a new environment. Tolerance fail can rapidly impair your judgment and lead to undesirable outcomes.
Common safety practices
Know where your drink is coming from. Don’t drink anything you did not open yourself or that you did not see being poured. Never leave your drink unattended.
If you plan to go out, let someone know when you expect to return. Be sure to communicate any changes to your plan.
When you are out with friends, look out for each other. Everyone’s judgment is impaired while under the influence. If you notice a friend starting to behave in concerning ways, intervene to prevent the situation from escalating into something potentially dangerous.
Make sure you have a plan for everyone to get home that does not include anyone walking home alone. Don’t leave anyone behind and don’t leave it up to people you just met at the event, bar, or party to help you or a friend get home.
Most reported incidents abroad happen when alcohol is involved. During these times, it’s crucial to exercise sound judgment and practice the safety measures outlined above.
Follow local drug and alcohol laws
When traveling overseas, it is important to obey the laws and regulations of the country you are visiting, especially those pertaining to drug and alcohol use. Every year, many U.S. American travelers are arrested abroad on drug charges or because of their behavior under the influence. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, so be informed. Many countries have stringent drug laws with mandatory jail sentences if convicted of possessing even small amounts of illegal substances. It is your responsibility to know the drug laws in a foreign country before you go because "I didn't know it was illegal" will not get you out of jail.Be aware that a Colorado medical marijuana card is not valid outside of Colorado. Additionally, laws in the State of Colorado, including the legalization of marijuana, do not apply anywhere outside of the State, including abroad. In many countries, marijuana laws are strictly enforced and can carry serious consequences.