Welcome letter FA22

The World is Reopening to Ed Abroad

By Michal Greenberg, Education Abroad Assistant Director

Greetings from Education Abroad! After COVID-19 significantly impacted our Ed Abroad programs, we’re delighted to announce that the world has largely reopened and our students are able to study abroad again in countries that had been closed to them, sometimes for over 2 years. Starting in Fall 2022, we once again have students studying in Australia, Japan, and New Zealand!

We are thrilled to see our Global Buffs engaging with the world and its wonderful cultural diversity. In this “new normal,” we’re also seeing a difference in how students' study abroad. Last summer, Education Abroad ran more faculty-led Global Seminars than ever before, setting a record for the number of students who studied abroad on a faculty-led program. Students are also keen to participate in our Global Internships, where they can combine experiential learning and academic theory to gain professional experience and develop a new perspective on their career field.
The face of Education Abroad has changed during these times too. While we welcome new staff to the team, we also welcome new programs! We have three new faculty-led Global Seminars that we’ll be offering in Summer 2023, a new Global internship in New Zealand. Our first-ever domestic programs offered in Washington, D.C. have been running for a couple of years now as well, and we’re excited that Education Abroad is now able to showcase the cultural diversity of the U.S. alongside our global offerings.

Education Abroad is thrilled to offer new programs and opportunities for our students that complement our long-standing programs. Ultimately, no matter which program a student participates in, our focus will always be on the mission of inspiring students to become global leaders in a culturally diverse world. We hope that all of our Global Buffs come back with broadened experiences and perspectives.
Last Updated November 2022