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Estimated Scholarship Awards

We have done our best to estimate award ranges in the chart below. The numbers below are merely a good faith estimate and not a guarantee of scholarship funds. To be considered, you must apply for the Buffs Abroad Scholarship, CU in D.C. Scholarship, or Global Intensive Scholarship. You should also apply for funding directly from their provider if applicable (see links below).

We encourage you to speak with a CU Education Abroad advisor to get a more personalized understanding of your budget and scholarship opportunities. Some students with exceptionally high financial need could receive more than is listed below.

These estimates do not include some special donor awards, scholarships from departments on campus (ex. IAFS, Engineering, etc.), or national scholarships like Gilman, Boren, FEA, etc. that students may receive.

(if your provider is not listed, refer to the row called "CU Exchange Programs" below)
Funding available through Buffs Abroad Scholarship Other funding available directly from provider? Guaranteed supplemental funding for students who receive Pell Grant? Extra GO Scholar funding? Max award estimate*
Arcadia Semester: $500 - $3,000
Summer: $500 - $2,500
Yes - see Arcadia's website
Semester: $500 - $2,500
Summer: $250-$1,000

Semester: Up to $2,500
Summer: Up to $1,000
No Semester: $5,500
Summer: $3,500
CEA CAPA Semester: $500 - $5,000
Summer: $500 - $2,500
Yes - see CEA CAPA's website No Semester: $2,000
Summer: $1,000
Semester: $7,500
Summer: $3,500

CIEE Semester: $500 - $3,000
Summer: $500 - $1,000
Yes - see CIEE's website Yes (Gilman Go Global)
Semester: Up to $2,500
Summer: Up to $1,000
Guaranteed GAIN Travel Grant
Semester: $1,500
Summer: $500

Semester: $5,000
Summer: $2,500
CU Exchange Programs Semester: $500 - $5,000
n/a n/a n/a $5,000
CU Global Seminars Semester: $500 - $5,000
Summer: $500 - $3,500

n/a n/a n/a Semester: $5,000
Summer: $3,500
CU Global Intensives
$500 - $1,500 n/a n/a n/a $1,500
CU Global Internships
Summer: $500 - $3,500 n/a n/a n/a Summer: $3,500
CU in D.C. Semester: $500 - $6,000
Summer: $500 - $4,000
n/a n/a n/a Semester: $6,000
Summer: $4,000

DIS Semester: $500 - $5,000
Summer: $500 - $3,000
Yes - see DIS's website
Semester: Up to $6,000
Summer: Up to $1,500
Yes, match up to $5,000 Semester: $5,000
Summer sessions: TBA
Semester: $11,000
Summer: $4,500
IAU Semester: $500 - $4,000
Summer: $500 - $2,500

Yes - see IAU's website Yes ($3,000 semester / $650 summer) No Semester: $6,500
IES Semester: $500 - $4,000
Summer: $500 - $2,500
Yes - see IES's website
Semester: Up to $2,000
Summer: Up to $1,000

No No Semester: $6,000
Summer: $3,500
ISA / TEAN Semester: $500 - $3,000
Summer: $500 - $2,000

Yes - see ISA/TEAN's website No Semester: $2,000
Summer: $1,000
Semester: $4,000
Summer: $2,500
SAS $1000 - $8,000
Yes, see SAS's website Yes, Pell match $5,000 $15,000
SFS Semester: $500 - $3,000
Summer: $500 - $2,000

Yes - see SFS's website Yes, up to $5,000 No Semester: $8,000
Summer: $4,500
SIT Semester: $500 - $5,000
Summer: $500 - $3,000

Yes - see SIT's website Yes, Pell match $1,000 - $3,000 Semester: $5,000
Semester: $3,000

GI Bill recipients: The VA restricts how you can use the GI Bill for education abroad and CU in D.C. See for details. Several scholarships are available to you:
  • CEA CAPA offers a $1,000 flight credit
  • ISA & TEAN offers 5% discount on the program fee
  • Semester at Sea gives an average award of $5,600
  • Additionally the CU Education Abroad office offers two scholarships per term ($5,000 for semester and $3,000 for summer).